• How does this stop spending money we don’t have?

    House Republicans in a secret vote, voted to reverse its ban on earmarks Wednesday, a stunning reversal that comes a little over a decade after the GOP caucus banned the practice in the first place.

    What You Need To Know
    House Republicans voted to reverse its ban on earmarks Wednesday in a…Read More

  • More spending more inflation! This has to be the most destructive administration. Inflation and illegal immigration is going to kill America.

  • The Biden administration is setting us up to fail. Purposely perpetuating the invasion with the sole purpose of destroying the United States. The last thing we need are more terrorists here. The FBI is already overwhelmed with illegals and investigating Trump!

  • Meritocracy is what built the greatest nation on earth! The United States of America. Hiring the best person for the job is just common sense. Hiring because of color, gender, religion or any other reason is ridiculous. The best person for the job should be hired. Biden has shown us what not to do.

  • Almost 35 trillion in debt! 215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Social security and medicare are almost bankrupt! Our politicians in both parties do nothing because they love spending our money!

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