• Meritocracy is what built the greatest nation on earth! The United States of America. Hiring the best person for the job is just common sense. Hiring because of color, gender, religion or any other reason is ridiculous. The best person for the job should be hired. Biden has shown us what not to do.

  • Almost 35 trillion in debt! 215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Social security and medicare are almost bankrupt! Our politicians in both parties do nothing because they love spending our money!

  • Everywhere I go I preach about the evils of the CBP One app. This app streamlines illegal immigration by pre-approving illegals and letting them come direct to the US by tax payer funded airine tickets! The Republicans could have stopped this several times by denying to fund this. Weak leaders keep us losing!

  • Mad Mike finally got national recognition! Unfortunately not for doing anything good!

    Mike Ezell
    Daily update ⋅ 8 May 2024
    Activist says US congressman knocked cellphone from her hand as she asked about Israel …
    AP News
    First-term Republican Rep. Mike Ezell was walking in a hallway before a House committee meeting in Washington w…Read More

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    Rob Maness accepted an invitation from Carl Boyanton and became a registered member

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    Rob Maness
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