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Richard BoyantonOffline

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      Richard Boyanton

      7 months, 2 weeks ago

      April 21, 2023
      SOLDIERS NOT COMING HOME (The world at war repeating itself)

      “One of the essential facts of life is to remember that you won’t make it out “alive.”

      As a salesman for years with my company, I have to go to customers’ homes. I have met many people who have lost loved ones in wars. I find older women who lost their husbands and their sons in war remember the smallest of details. One little old black lady had the walls in her house covered with pictures of her husband and son; they were everywhere. I tried to leave; I was in a hurry, but no way. She said that she thought everything would be okay when her husband(just married) was drafted in 1944 to drive a truck in the army. He died weeks after landing in France. She had a son and kept him away from anything military, but when one of his younger friends joined the Marines, her son joined. She said she cried every night until her son was killed in Vietnam. I was no longer in a hurry; she had my full attention. She made me a sandwich and took her son and husband’s medals out; her pride for her two men made me deeply emotional, and after years of her loss, her love had grown. On leaving her home, she grabs my arm and tells me in a lowly voice, like you, Mr. Boyanton, but this brings tears to my eyes; I miss them and hope to see them in heaven. God bless!!



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    Carl Boyanton