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Richard BoyantonOffline

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      Richard Boyanton

      8 months, 3 weeks ago

      June 4, 2024


      I have thought about the future, and it scares me to death for my grandkids. Men who have never been in actual battle have no way of knowing how awful even winning in battle is, much less losing. The fight to control the nation is in its infancy. I listened and watched some ANTIFA Lieutenant talking about what they could and would do, realizing, in reality, all they would do against any real soldiers is die. In the same breath, militias would take heavy losses in battles with a trained army. Death and destruction have no end date once the shots have been fired. The idea that a civil war would be civil is out of the question, and the outcome this time would remove the country from United to splintered states and hate. (most folks alive today have not felt the South’s hate of the North for 75 years or more after the war between the states)

      Two different Americans might as well be from two different planets. I was reading about the socialist communists that took over Germany in the 30s for a short period of time which in turn gave rise to nazism, fascism, and eventually to a dictator. Russia was communist, but in reality, one man as dictator made all the decisions on everything, including the life and death of any citizen.

      The Hate of Trump by the socialist Democrats is so great that it has led them to their probable demise and destruction as a party. No one with a partial brain believes that Joe Biden received 80 million votes; what scares most of us is that we don’t know how they pulled it off and whether they can do it again.

      “I don’t know if splitting the nation up into section being the answer but I do know we lost 620 thousand soldiers in the first civil war equalling 2.5 percent of the total population. Using these percentage this would be around about 9 million dead soldiers in today’s population. With the weapons we have now the death toll would be 10 times this amount, maybe.”

      note:We have come close to communism many times in our nation (the depression being one)and we will once again remove them. We Americans have a love of money are starting to realize that these politicians in both parties have no plans except spending . The hammer will fall, but what then?



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    Carl Boyanton