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Richard BoyantonOffline

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      Richard Boyanton

      8 months, 2 weeks ago

      June 9, 2024


      Trump is now out of jail and will challenge the nation to cast his vote for President. What a strange election as Trump sentence to jail time, then was nominated for his Republican party for President, but was ordered jail, by what many would call a planted jury with instructions to ensure guilt by a biased Judge. This Judge was far from being neutral, worse he was blatantly out of line. The 34 charges for the same charge are just listed differently to give the appearance of some “voodoo” injustice. This case will be thrown out of an appeal court as fast as it arrives. The greatest injustice was bringing it into a court system, to begin with. With the monies he spent fighting this, the state and the Da’s office that indicted him should have to pay Trump’s attorney fees.


      Biden is being replaced in the Democrat Party nomination for President by none other than the Socialist Communist Governer of California. The convention was a mess, but in the end, Biden’s age and the inflation he caused the “NATION” was too much even for the socialist Democrats. The new hero of the socialist Democrats, Governor Newsome, will carry the ball he hopes to victory.

      RFK jr is a man who could be the deciding factor in this election. This man could pull many moderate Democrats from the party(no right-wing Democrats) and make this a three-person race. I believe many independents and some left-wing blue Republicans will swing in his direction. Never Trumpers who would have stayed at home will come out and support RFK Jr.

      I predict that the election will go to Congress to be decided by whoever has control of the house. I would expect that if Republican Congress is in control, many Rinos would make a firm bid for RFK Jr.


      Unbelievable inflation of more than 20 percent since being President, every item cost us more than four years ago. The total cost of average family living expenses is over 11,000 more annually. Four years ago, the country’s oil reserves were up to 8.2 billion metric tons. Biden is releasing oil every month to try against (hope) of keeping gas prices down before the election. This man will surpass President Carter for mishandling the nation’s wealth. The idea the socialist Democrats screaming Trump would put us to war has been set to rest with a weak Democrat President who bailed out of Afghanistan in the dead of night, leaving allies to fend for themselves, assuring Putin that he had no intention of stopping him no matter what he did.

      “The past is a fog in our minds. The future is a complete dream. We can’t guess the future or change the past.”

      Shams Tabrizi



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    Carl Boyanton