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      Richard Boyanton

      8 months ago

      June 22, 2024
      (I assumed in this story you have at least heard of this case)

      Canton, Massachusetts, police officers are not the television version of NCIS. I would list them more as the keystone cops. If the policemen living at the house on 34 Street didn’t kill the man laying in their front yard, they are sure looking and acting like they did. Most police officers doing the investigation act as if they just arrived from the police academy; they are clueless, and Head Detective Proctor is a fool.

      I listen in horror to the reference to Miss Read, which has a negative tone and words. Inappropriate is an understatement. I wouldn’t trust anything this detective Procter said or did. They built a case to fit their narrative, not taking the evidence and fitting it into a crime. If i were on the jury, there is so much doubt about how the victim died. ( I would love for the FBI to investigate a house full of Policemen with family and friends.)


      The car being filmed in the mirror was filmed to show a broken tail light on the passenger side when, in fact, it was showing the driver’s side. The defense attorney, Jackson, said it caught his eye first because the word Police on the car was backward. Jackson also discovered the words on the bottom of the screen were not inverted, meaning the filming was intentionally altered to fit a narrative.

      ” When the departments in Government lose their ability to be truthful, meaning no one believes them or trusts them, chaos will be the answer.” (we have arrived).

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    Carl Boyanton