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      Richard Boyanton

      6 months, 1 week ago

      June 29, 2024


      I ask myself why, out of the clear blue sky, do we need the draft? Does Congress and the President know something we don’t know? A draft would indicate a need for “MANY SOLDIERS”; we are an air-driven “ARMED FORCE,” and needing many infantry soldiers seems odd at best. I am puzzled by the fact that there is no war going on in America at this time. I think we should be worried! Is the millennial generation so incredibly dumb that they have no idea what this means for them if things go south?

      The American Government does not seem to have two parties, maybe two divisions, but they are genuinely not two separate parties. The border proves that when the Republicans controlled all three branches of government, they did nothing; they voted not to fund the wall. When spending money, the two parties or divisions are on the same side. They argue over pennies as they spend trillions.

      Whoever gets elected, nothing will change if Trump is elected. The endless media attack will make him non-productive, and worse, if they control both houses, he will be impeached and tried. If Biden gets elected, he will push the country over the abyss with Obama in his ear.(Biden tested before the convention, he failed!)

      ” The draft means we know something, fear something, or realize something is amiss, maybe alien attack, nuclear strike, and worse, a false flag issue to rally America against itself.”

      ” Some changes cannot change without a war; the 1850s before the 1860s and now the 2020s before 2024s, I believe we are being set up for a major event.” GOD HELP THE USA AS WE SPEND OURSELVES AWAY AND ALLOW ILLEGALS TO WIN THE DAY.

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    Carl Boyanton