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      Richard Boyanton

      6 months ago

      4, 2024

      Listening to the media as the Supreme Court reels in the “WOKE” bunch makes you realize how much control the liberal-bought and paid-for media has on these misguided, socialist-loving, communist-leaning, Capitalist-hating authoritarian leadership, ruling the freedom-loving conservative American people.

      We must realize freedom means nothing in a nation that has no wealth. When hunger and the lack of quality drinking water are the leading problems of each day, there is no time for freedom. Most of the world’s citizens live under some tyranny from birth to death. Most Americans, even the poorest of the poor, would be wealthy in many nations.

      I hear men say the nation is not worth dying for. I’m afraid I have to disagree. I realize the men who wrote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence put their lives on the line to build this nation. In the Civil War, my great past grandfather and relatives from Mississippi dreamed of creating a new nation as our forefathers did in removing Great Britain. The fight to make it happen failed; freedom was all they asked.

      “Freedom is always worth whatever price must be paid.”

      Theodore Roosevelt-

      I am an American, free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.

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    Carl Boyanton