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Richard BoyantonOffline

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      Richard Boyanton

      7 months, 2 weeks ago

      July 9, 2023


      Killing the unborn and newly born, elevating the abnormals as usual to typical unusual, when the truth is seen as lies and lies are the new truths, when honor is never spoken or heard, then and only when you stand for truth and honor, men will follow. It isn’t hard to know the right direction; it is in front of all to see GOD leads with truth; he sells no drugs, no alcohol, and he tempers his anger with love. His creations of man and woman are still the only two humans to reproduce.

      In reading the Bible, it isn’t hard to see that man has been divided by nations from the beginning of time. The borders of the nation of Israel have been forever changing as the borders of most nations have changed. The idea of a single nation or what many call a “ONE WORLD ORDER” has never been successful in the history of man. Equality without individuality will never be equal for any man. Cradle-to-grave security will only happen when confined to a prison cell or by being enslaved. Enslavement economically is no different than slavery with balls and chains; they equal the same.

      When men sit idle as elected rulers destroy a nation, they are as guilty as the leaders. When rulers can lie, steal, and cause harm to others because of their power and money, they are criminals, not rulers. The destruction of books, statues of war heroes, founding fathers, and changing the nation’s identity that follows “NO GOD” but someplace they call “Hollywood,” which only teaches the young how to kill, drink, and do drugs.

      Fear has taught us all that to survive, and we must hide in our four walls and mask ourselves against all harm. We were led to believe that vaccination, which was introduced long after the infection, was going to protect us from the virus, which we know changes yearly. We have lost all respect for our election process, and our justice departments have been riddled with corruption, causing justice’s hands to tilt one way. We witnessed the men paid to protect citizens from being ordered to stand down as hoodlums, thugs, BLM, and ANTIFA were allowed to burn, loot, steal, and kill. The attack on an American president that, after thousands of accusations and outright lies, will either cause the nation to stand or fall.

      I cry for no war, and I have witnessed the horrors from years ago. I do realize the men in power at this moment in time who vote to increase the nation’s debt are not leaders but men who desire our destruction, or they are mindless fools. We as citizens either change these men or, shortly, we will be left with no choice “GOOD VERSES EVIL.



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    Carl Boyanton