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      Richard Boyanton

      7 months, 3 weeks ago

      July 17, 2024


      What these two men have in common is socialism, with liberalism leanings and the desire to pack the Supreme Court. The Socialist Democrats, when losing in any arena, will stop at nothing to stop the bleeding. These people think we all want to be poor or equal to the poorest citizens. Hard work means you have a hand up because you don’t adhere to just doing enough to survive.

      The Supreme Court, not following the communist, socialist doctrine, must be destroyed and revamped in the image of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao with a touch of Castro to make the world see they are genuinely “NUTS.” The Constitution only has meaning to these people when it helps them. Still, any other time, it is like what they think about the Christian Religion when making a point that, Christians should give all their belongings willingly and stay at home and let the socialist-communist Democrats handle the nation.

      Shooting the EX-President shows how bad the nation has become. The endless propaganda that Trump is a dictator, crook, womanizer, and has been hounded by the socialist democrats in the court system from the minute he chooses to run for office. The miracle is that the court system has mostly stood against this anti-hate Trump and has given him the ability to defend himself. (excluding this last kangaroo Judge and court that gave him 34 guilty verdicts before the court ever was in insession)

      I don’t know the point that will be too far for Patriots, Conservatives, and Republicans to go before they lay down the hammer, but messing with the Supreme Court might do the trick.

      The fight for normal: two genders, no men and women sports, no open borders, all illegal immigrants that are criminals must be thrown out of the country immediately, all violent criminals with DNA proof executed within six months. All violent criminals who haven’t been given the death penalty must stay at least 90 percent of their given time. All pedophiles must stay complete term and be castrated before they are released. The nation’s good and harmful history must stand side by side to show its citizens what it took to prevail as the most significant, vital, and wealthiest nation the world has ever seen.

      “Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians” UNKNOWN AUTHOR,

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    Carl Boyanton