• Mad Mike finally got national recognition! Unfortunately not for doing anything good!

    Mike Ezell
    Daily update ⋅ 8 May 2024
    Activist says US congressman knocked cellphone from her hand as she asked about Israel …
    AP News
    First-term Republican Rep. Mike Ezell was walking in a hallway before a House committee meeting in Washington w…Read More

  • There should be no federal funds and their endowments and donations should be taxed!

    Harvard University (MA)

    U.S. News Rank
    3 (tie)

    End of Fiscal Year 2022 Endowment
    Yale University (CT)

    U.S. News Rank

    End of Fiscal Year 2022 Endowment
    Stanford University (CA)

    U.S.…Read More

  • She is 100 percent right. If we don’t start fighting back the leftist here in America will destroy our country.

  • We need more Patriots like John Rich and these young men. We need fighters against these leftist trying to destroy America!

  • A perfect reason for term limits. He and Menendez are just getting caught for what a lot of our elected officials do. Yet we keep electing incumbents that literally do nothing for their constituents only enriching themselves.

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