She is 100 percent right. If we don’t start fighting back the leftist here in America will destroy our country.
We need more Patriots like John Rich and these young men. We need fighters against these leftist trying to destroy America!
A perfect reason for term limits. He and Menendez are just getting caught for what a lot of our elected officials do. Yet we keep electing incumbents that literally do nothing for their constituents only enriching themselves.
Another company that supports terrorism! “HIMS” CEO evidently is ok with the rape and murders of 1200 innocent men, women and children. I don’t use this company and for sure now I never will.
This could be interesting. The speaker Mike Johnson has only been able to pass legislation that the democrats permitted. Now the democrats will support him for speaker against Republicans. The world has turned upside down.
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Suzi Wilson
Carl Boyanton