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      Richard Boyanton

      9 months, 1 week ago

      June 2, 2024


      We have witnessed the most significant divide since the war between the states. The conservatives have been cemented together as never before. The socialist Democrats are dancing in the streets as if they all became rich at once. They fail to realize they are in a civil war moment.

      The problem we have is that our politicians in Washington, DC, in the Republican party, are weak-minded, having no direction to stand and no leader there to lead them. I believe if we had a leader of strength, these weak men would stand, but until that time, we, the people, must make enough noise for the world and the nation to realize they, the socialist Democrats, have crossed a line.

      The problem that we have is that the Republican politicians have gone to bed with the Democrats on open borders and spending and have a “NO” identity of their own. Most citizens see them as the same problem but to different degrees. In other words, terrible leaders are both, on one side, just worse.

      The election of 2024, win or lose, makes no difference; the battle lines have been drawn. I started writing in 2018 in my run for the US Senate seat against Wicker, telling everyone we were headed for a collapse of Biblical proportions, and I was mostly laughed at. These men in power are not more competent than our forefathers, and most surely, the only thing they do better is spend unheard-of wealth.

      “Walking in the complete dark in jungles of Vietnam knowing your enemy is watching, it is not if they are going to strike; it is when. We have witnessed a tyrannical government go after a single citizen with such reckless abanded to cause more than half the nation to draw a line in the sand mentally. We, the people, have the power to lead, and we need no politicians to declare our constitutional rights, which were given to us long ago.”

      “Liberty, freedom, and normality are not bye words but are the basics of all life, we must stand against tyrannical government.” rwb



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    Carl Boyanton