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Richard BoyantonOffline

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      Richard Boyanton

      8 months, 1 week ago

      June 17, 2024


      I am guessing the nation of America when can’t pay the interest from the money they are borrowing. What happens then? What happens when the oil-producing countries worldwide stop using the American dollar? I doubt many people have thought about the catastrophic effects this will have on the nation. In my reading, I see no one talking about slowing down their spending, much less having a balanced budget. I figure we have maybe five years left at a 2 to 3 trillion dollars a year deficit to get the attention of anyone. 50 trillion, half what complete failure represents, according to all my figures, may get some attention. If you can’t stop now, how will you stop at a 5 trillion deficit a year?

      Am I the only one in the nation who sees this as a colossal mistake? The idea is that each month, we are moving closer to complete failure. I can understand the “white socialist elites” who have the answers but are mostly wrong. I don’t understand the ordinary people who realize that we are paying over ten thousand dollars a year more than we did four or five years ago just to live.

      What happens when these fools make the US Dollar worth less than the Russian ruble or the Chinese Yen in the future? I most likely will be long gone, but my future grandkids and dealing with illegal immigrants, terrorists, and gangs will see a lawless country.

      The Constitution was written to answer this very question. Do we need a tea party? We have elected weak, pathetic men to lead our country. Our Republican party being weak and not keeping the Socialist Democrats at bay have caused Russia to see our failure with our midnight exit from Afghanistan. Weak rulers Cause wars, and strong men keep weak men at bay; my friends, we are headed the wrong way.

      “The courage to be vulnerable is not about winning or losing, it’s about the courage to show up when you can’t predict or control the outcome.”

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    Carl Boyanton