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      Richard Boyanton

      6 months, 3 weeks ago

      July 5, 2024
      At the close of the 4th of July, some thoughts come to mind about why we have the 4th. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and most other great empires fought wars and battles and produced heroes. Most wars were not meant to save the nation; they were just wars. Did these battles that were less than saving the country make the heroes less of a man? No.

      What makes a hero? Is it someone with no fear? All have fear—I discovered that all men in battle have fear. Take 100 men on each side with explosives and automatic weapons, take ten paces from each other, and fire away. ( in the jungle, at ten paces, you can’t see each other)

      Many heroes are made when situations become hopeless when the way out is more dangerous than the way in. Every firefight I was involved with in the 365 days I was in the country could have had a couple of dozen medals awarded. Remembering that, many heroes realized that death awaited them, but they still went.

      Many never make it to even the coward stage of the war, where fear is so great that death may be welcome, much less to claim hero status. You must first love your GOD, family, and country.

      God bless the heroes I left behind and the ones that came home and time left behind.

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    Carl Boyanton